“The most business I’ve done in a year is 7 transactions. In 2020 I used some of your marketing and branding tips and I’m currently in 6 escrows just this month with people organically contacting me via Facebook messenger with their real estate needs. At first I didn’t realize why all of a sudden people I hardly know reaching out to me for business and then it suddenly clicked that just doing some minor changes and working on my branding did the trick! Taking your marketing class was the best business decision I’ve made! Thank you for teaching me to be myself, find my ideal clients and helping me provide for my family!”
-Stefanie Pollock
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"I can’t tell you how thankful I am that I found Paige’s course. Her advice has totally overhauled my business and the way I interact with the community, my social media followers, and with my clients/potential clients in general. Because of Paige my new motto is to “live in my zone of happiness” and by living this way I’ve not only achieved more success in business but am also all around much happier. This past year I was a top producing agent in the highly competitive Marin County market and I can’t thank Paige enough for all of her encouragement, amazing tips, and stellar course. Over the past several months I’ve had at least five referrals through social media that have resulted in closings. One of the best decisions I’ve made!"
-Naomi Thorne
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“Paige is a true marketing rockstar with a genuine heart and she is fun! Her program certainly empowered me and gave me clarity on how I want to show up in my business. This program has provided me with a comprehensible structure, actionable steps, and lots of courage! Incredible opportunities keep presenting themselves since going through this program. marketing has become not only easier but more fun! Thank you, Paige!”
—Diana Patterson
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“Before taking Paige’s course, I was spending four figures a month advertising on real estate websites and barely breaking even. Since taking her course, I’ve gone from 0 contracts to 7!”
— Erica Tudela, Real Estate Agent
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“I was trying to do business everywhere. I was driving hours and hours in every direction, but now I’m referring people and choosing to focus on one area and becoming an expert in that area. I’ve started connecting with local businesses, blogging, and in the past few weeks, I’ve gotten 1 listing and picked up 4 buyers as a result of showing my local expertise during Open Houses.”
— Therese Gesch, Windermere Professional Partners
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